Everything ready for the 10th steinexpo

Organisers says that the 10th anniversary of steinexpo on Germany is entering its hectic phase with a growth rate of more than 10% in exhibitors and brand presence compared to the previous event.
Quarry Products / July 3, 2017
Steinexpo 2017
A spectators’ stand at steinexpo provides unhindered viewing down into the stadium.

Organisers says that the 10th anniversary of 465 steinexpo in Germany is entering its hectic phase with a growth rate of more than 10% in exhibitors and brand presence compared to the previous event.

4695 Geoplan, Iffezheim, Germany, says that a total of 275 exhibitors with 416 trademarks had registered at the end of June.

The trade fair (30 August-2 September), said to be one of the biggest and most significant stone quarry demonstration exhibition on the European continent, had its premiere in the MHI Nieder-Ofleiden stone quarry in September 1990, and is held in a three-year cycle.

It again has 180,000m² of total surface area at its disposal, and with some skilful planning it provides more than 15% additional net exhibition space compared to 2014.

Geoplan says that by means of impressive live demonstrations against the backdrop of the magnificent stone quarry, manufacturers and dealers of building and processing machinery; utility vehicles and heavy vehicles as well as plants for reclamation and treatment of materials put their service performances on display. The recycling of mineral building materials represents another focus point.

Exhibitors are planning excellent demonstrations and are announcing a growing number of relaunches, as well as European and even world premieres in their exhibits.

The mostly standard machine sizes in Germany are joined by some construction machine giants that few people have the opportunity to experience every day.

“Apart from a few isolated areas, this largest demonstration exhibition of the raw and building materials industry on the European mainland is fully booked,” says Geoplan.

“The interest of international exhibitors, whose participation grew to 72, and which corresponds to a significant increase, is particularly surprising. Taking all the participants into account, the international exhibitors thus account for more than 25 per cent of participation in the trade fair.”

Dr Friedhelm Rese, trade fair director, and Andrea Friedrich, trade fair business unit manager, are especially pleased about the increased participation by international exhibitors, saying that this again shows how committed professional partners, including the 2886 European Aggregates Association (UEPG), are in their involvement in the development of the steinexpo.

Regarding the success in the participation of national exhibitors, the creators of the exhibition also acknowledge the positive aspects resulting from the tried and tested cooperation with organisations and multipliers such as the German Association of Mineral Resources (1514 MIRO); the relevant trade associations at the Association of German Machinery and Plant Manufacturing (4293 VDMA), and the German Association for Construction Industry Engineers and Professionals (VDBUM).

Together with the technical planning team of the TU Clausthal, the organisers will once again provide new stimuli for a lively trade fair experience.

In the joint demo on area A, visitors can observe 23 large machines, with a weight of up to 130tonnes, at “work” from a spectator stand with 250 seats. Over the course of the trade fair, the mobile equipment used here will demonstrate combined charging and transport processes in a total of 101 real-life demonstrations.

A special non-moderated area is also prepared on level A where various exhibitors will host individual demonstrations of their equipment in the excavated material after prior announcement.

In addition, the individual demonstrations of mobile equipment, treatment plants and accessory equipment, which are typical to steinexpo, are demonstrated at various other stands in all exhibition areas.

Everything around construction machinery is shown on demo area B, while the processing technology is grouped together on area C.

Geoplan says that the demonstrations follow a user-friendly inter-related schedule.

“To be in the right place at the right time and to see the more than 500 large-scale machines in operation, it is worth taking a look at the demo information in the trade fair catalogue. Two lifts contribute to ‘doing the rounds’ in a more relaxed manner.”

Pavilion exhibitors once again benefit from the “open concept” of the large tent halls, which proved themselves for the first time in 2014.

The creators of the steinexpo says they are looking to the future in terms of their own development. This is reflected, for example, in the new online ticket system for the trade fair, the increased social media activities, and in the new helicopter shuttle service to Frankfurt Airport, especially to provide international trade fair visitors with a comfortable transfer service after long travel time.

Each steinexpo is different, and the ongoing mining activities in the MHI Nieder-Ofleiden quarry constantly require new planning. The current layout envisages the following general division of exhibition areas:

Area A: Moderated joint demonstrations by various construction equipment brands
Area B: Static stands of construction equipment manufacturers and suppliers
Area C: Processing technology and integrated large pavilions of indoor exhibitors
Area D: Individual presentation areas for construction equipment and SUV safety training

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