Cloud specialist Moore joins Command Alkon

Aggregates software company Command Alkon has hired Doug Moore as vice president of cloud platform to support its policy of building solutions in the cloud to improve communications and collaboration between contractors and suppliers. He will be responsible for the cloud platform and drive key cloud technology topics such as scalability, security, analytics, and information access. Prior to joining Command Alkon, Moore served in a number of roles at several software and technology companies. Most r
January 14, 2019
Doug Moore will lead Command Alkon's cloud strategy

Protesters in France have put more than half of the country’s speed cameras out of action, according to the country’s authorities.

Interior minister Christophe Castaner said that almost 60% of France’s 3,200 cameras have been affected, the BBC reports.

Castaner said that the cameras had been “neutralised, attacked, or destroyed” by ‘yellow vest’ protesters in a move which threatened road safety.

Motorists are required by law to keep high-visibility vests, or ‘gilets jaunes’ in their cars. These yellow vests have become the symbol of the sometimes violent protests – which began as a reaction to fuel tax increases – which have gripped France over the last few weeks.

Toll roads have also been targets of protesters’ anger as the ‘gilet jaunes’ express dissatisfaction with the rising cost of road travel.