IQ treasurer retires after over 30 years

Peter Barkwill, one of the best-recognised members of the Institute of Quarrying (IQ), is stepping aside from his roles as West of England branch committee member and treasurer after more than 30 years. Peter, an Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Quarrying (FIQ), is chief executive at Wainwright. During his long association with the IQ he has held the posts of chair of the finances, membership and general purposes committee and the chair of the IQ council. More recently he sat on IQ’s board. He also pl
February 28, 2019
Mark Hughes, Chairman of the West of England branch, and Peter Barkwill.JPG
Mark Hughes, chairman of the IQ West of England branch, with retiring treasurer Peter Barkwill (right)

Peter Barkwill, one of the best-recognised members of the 2904 Institute of Quarrying (IQ), is stepping aside from his roles as West of England branch committee member and treasurer after more than 30 years.

Peter, an Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Quarrying (FIQ), is chief executive at 977 Wainwright. During his long association with the IQ he has held the posts of chair of the finances, membership and general purposes committee and the chair of the IQ council. More recently he sat on IQ’s board. He also played a very active role at the West of England branch as chair, treasurer and committee member.

Mark Hughes, chairman of them IQ West of England branch, commented: “Peter’s  contribution and commitment to the success of IQ and the West of England branch have been massive. He has been an IQ member for 40 years, 33 of which as a branch committee member, 14 years as branch secretary and 18 years as branch treasurer."

As an appreciation of his contribution over the years Peter was presented with a piece of iconic Bristol Blue Glass at the recent West of England branch AGM.

He said: “My IQ membership has brought me into contact with many fantastic people. I have made many great friends through my involvement at both branch and national committee level. The networking opportunities and knowledge transfer that I have experienced have been invaluable.”

He passes over the reins of treasurer to West of England branch member Jonathan Swainbank.

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