Tell us how your business is dealing with the virus

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt our daily lives, we would like to find out how the international aggregates industry has been affected.
April 20, 2020
By Guy Woodford
Cement production pic: Sergeychernov Dreamstime.com_jpg

ARI has joined forces with KB&G to research what is happening in our working environment.

With rules and guidelines being introduced for both work and private activities (such as social distancing, lock-down and isolation), we would like to get your opinion on how the situation is affecting your business.

Our survey assesses “the impact Covid-19 has had on the markets you serve and to understand how different organisations have dealt with the pandemic.”

KB&G describes itself as: “A consultancy to the construction materials space, focusing on market, customer and digital applications.”

Please take part. We plan to follow up this research with published articles and analysis within eight weeks.

Click here to start the survey:

Organiser KB&G would also be grateful if you could forward the link above “to as many of your industry contacts as possible."

You can ask for the survey results to be sent to you once they have been compiled and analysed, if that is what you would like to do. We will also publish the findings on in due course. Thank you for helping us.