March 27, 2012
In Kostanay, Kazakhstan, MBI has launched a paving stone plant having a design capacity of 33,500m³ or 400,000m² of products a year. Automated German…
March 27, 2012
In Kostanay, Kazakhstan, MBI has launched a paving stone plant having a design capacity of 33,500m³ or 400,000m² of products a year. Automated German…
March 27, 2012
Global demand for hydraulic cement is forecast to rise 5.3% a year to 4.3billion tonnes, valued at US$335 (€250billion), by 2015, according to…
March 27, 2012
At the end of 2011, revenues of the Portuguese cement company Cimpor in Brazil should account for 25% of the company’s total. The total operating…
March 27, 2012
In partnership with waste specialists Ikos and Etares, French cement producer Lafarge started up a production unit for secondary recovered fuel in Le…
March 27, 2012
Lithuanian cement manufacturer Akmenes Cementas has reported revenues of €24.8 million in the first half of 2011, up 29% from the same period of 2010…
March 27, 2012
Verband der Industriellen Energie- und Kraftwirtschaft (VIK) says its member firms have experienced power failures lasting several seconds, and a…
March 27, 2012
The state of our planet’s marine ecosystems and their importance for human survival is analysed in a new book published by Cemex. Oceans: Heart of…
March 27, 2012
Sisak Court in Croatia agreed to the liquidation after hearing how the firm, which also produces herb protection chemicals, owed a total of HRK…
March 27, 2012
The Valbiom cluster, which brings together 57 companies, universities, institutions and research laboratories in the central region of France, is…
March 27, 2012
The plant, approved five months ago, will replace the firm's current factory in neighbouring Mont-Saint-Martin. Due for commissioning this spring,…
March 27, 2012
Rope Access has won a contract for inspection and scanning of Stockholm’s Norra Länken's concrete tunnel, part of a major road project. Norra Länken…
March 27, 2012
The supplier of cement and aggregates is understood to have met with UGT and CCOO labour unions to discuss its ‘workforce adjustment plan’, set to…
March 27, 2012
The landmark production figure was a rise of 18% on the previous year, and, according to Gorazdze, will be followed by similar levels in 2012. The…
March 27, 2012
The predicted rise is below the rise of 26.1% in production in 2011, but will push output notably beyond the 5.5million m3 achieved in 2011.…