Hanson UK report charts a year of progress

Hanson UK’s latest sustainability report charts another solid year of progress in 2017. The company has passed its 2020 targets for reducing both mains water use and waste to landfill while CO2 emissions/tonne of product have fallen by 7.2% to reach the lowest level for five years. The number of lost time injuries remained static at 21, but the frequency rate was down on the prior year and there was a three-month unbroken spell without a lost time injury.
Quarry Products / June 11, 2018

1343 Hanson UK’s latest sustainability report charts another solid year of progress in 2017.

The company has passed its 2020 targets for reducing both mains water use and waste to landfill while CO2 emissions/tonne of product have fallen by 7.2% to reach the lowest level for five years.

The number of lost time injuries remained static at 21, but the frequency rate was down on the prior year and there was a three-month unbroken spell without a lost time injury.

A major development during the year was the launch of 674 HeidelbergCement’s Sustainability Commitments 2030. These new aspirations from Hanson’s parent company challenge it to find new solutions and think differently to make the business even more sustainable. They also set ambitious targets that the group hopes to achieve by 2030.

Hanson UK CEO Daniel Cooper said: “Some big strides forward have been made in our drive to invest in our people and plant to achieve our vision of becoming the sustainable market leader.

“This year the focus will be on health and wellbeing as we launch a company-wide programme of activities, including a corporate partnership with a leading mental health charity and a charter against which progress will be measured.

“Looking ahead, I want to ensure we establish ourselves as a fair, inclusive and diverse company that values meritocracy, openness and transparency. To support this, we have introduced a fairness and respect commitment, which is fully supported by the executive team. We have also become a corporate member of Women in Science and Engineering (WISE), a national campaign which aims to increase the participation, inclusion and success of women in science, technology and engineering.”

Hanson UK’s sustainability report is published annually and is built around six topics which underpin its performance indicators and targets. They are people, carbon, waste, quality, water and biodiversity, and sustainable construction.

Read the full report here: <%$Linker:2External<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><dictionary />000link-external www.hanson-sustainability.co.ukfalsehttp://www.hanson-sustainability.co.uk/falsefalse%>

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