IME appoints Clark Mica as new president

The U.S.-based Institute of Makers of Explosives (IME) has appointed Clark Mica as its new president.
Quarry Products / April 1, 2022
By Guy Woodford
The IME has appointed Clark Mica as its new president

Mica joins the IME after serving as vice president, Government Affairs for The Fertilizer Institute.

"I am honoured to have been chosen to lead the IME, the premier trade association promoting safety and security for the commercial explosives industry," said Mica. "I look forward to leading the talented IME team and working with our members to elevate our industry's presence in Washington, D.C., an advocate for public policy outcomes that provide a strong business environment for the commercial explosives industry."

Mica continued: "From the iPhone to the granite countertops in your kitchen to the copper wire in your home, all of the necessary materials to make these products were made possible by the safe and secure use of explosives.

"I am excited to get out and tell the great story about the positive impact that our industry has on everyday life."

Mica brings two decades of experience in Washington, D.C., working in the public and private sectors.

"Clark's experience will be a welcome addition to IME as we focus on building strong partnerships in Washington, D.C., and expanding IME's relationships with coalitions dealing with like-minded regulatory and legislative issues," said Ralph Hymer, IME board chair and COO, Nelson Brothers, Inc.