LafargeHolcim-CDE inaugurate DURABRIC plant in Malawi

A year after the launch of their 14Trees joint venture, LafargeHolcim and CDC, a UK development finance institution, have inaugurated a dedicated manufacturing plant in Malawi, Southeast Africa, for DURABRIC - LafargeHolcim’s affordable building solution whose novel blend of earth, sand and cement removes the need for firing, helping fight deforestation.
Quarry Products / July 14, 2017
LfargeHolcim-CDE DURABRIC Plant
LafargeHolcim and CDC’s new DURABRIC manufacturing plant in Malawi

A year after the launch of their 14Trees joint venture, 8161 LafargeHolcim and CDC, a UK development finance institution, have inaugurated a dedicated manufacturing plant in Malawi, Southeast Africa, for DURABRIC - LafargeHolcim’s affordable building solution whose novel blend of earth, sand and cement removes the need for firing, helping fight deforestation.

Equipped with an automatic production line, the Malawi plant is the first to produce DURABRIC on an industrial scale. The new plant will chiefly supply contractors from NGOs and development organisations’ projects. With the correct training, mix-design and production methods, DURABRIC can also be produced on a job site - an innovative offer to 14Trees' customers.

"Once we can start building with SSBs [soil stabilised brick] like DURABRIC throughout the country, we can preserve our natural resources, stop soil erosion and improve air quality,” said Benjamin Katola, managing director of Built Environs.

Faced with high demand, 14Trees is expected to expand the DURABRIC offer into other countries, particularly across sub-Saharan Africa. The future development of DURABRIC will play a significant role in LafargeHolcim’s 2030 plan for sustainable development, building an innovative, climate-neutral construction sector that strives to enhance the quality of life for all.

More about DURABRIC

Not your average brick, DURABRIC is a soil stabilised brick, or SSB, a brick made of a mixture of compressed earth, sand and cement. This unique combination of materials means that DURABRIC bricks do not require traditional firing in a kiln but are instead cured naturally. DURABRIC brings a host of benefits compared to conventional burnt bricks.

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