The 2nd annual
Delegates received updates on the Sandvik Construction business, product briefings, as well as joining in other activities aimed at helping our customers’ worldwide.
Sandvik Construction’s president, Dinggui Gao, said: “It has been a challenging year, but fantastic to see the drive, enthusiasm and commitment within the Mobiles’ sales network.”
Following this address, Joanne Cooke, president for Product Area Equipment, presented an overview on Sandvik Construction as a business.
Attendees were then updated on the Mobiles’ business by members of the Mobiles’ management team, including a presentation on the new business and the production facilities in Ballygawley, which included the £1.6 million (€2.1 million) powder coating facility investment.
Eugene Lyons, global sales and marketing director, presented a sales update and John Nethery, vice president product management and R&D, outlined recent product launches and the developments to come in 2016.