Fives says Ciment Québec was looking for an environmentally-friendly grinding technology to produce its numerous types of cements.
According to Fives, the FCB Horomill technology matches this criteria with a range of advantages, including an optimised CK ratio cement production capacity, zero water use in the process and reduced carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per tonne of cement.
Two FCB Horomill 4200 grinding workshops will be implemented, each including one FCB TSV 5000 THF Classifier with one FCB Aerodecanter / Flash dryer and one Fives TGT process filter.
CEO Luc Papillon says: “After a thorough technical review of the various technologies available today for cement grinding, we have selected the Horomill from Fives FCB being confident it is the best adapted solution for our multiple cements portfolio and our quest to reduce our cement environmental footprint.”