European Commission Programme plans more jobs, growth and investments in 2015

The European Commission Programme looked ahead to push for more jobs, growth and investments in 2015 with new European Union initiatives, as well as cutting the red tape and clearing the decks. In December 2014 the European Commission released its Work Programme for 2015, which includes a list of 23 new initiatives; a list of withdrawal or modifications of pending initiatives (80) and a list of “refits” in an attempt to cut red tape. This is in sharp contrast with the Barroso Commission, which, on an ann
March 5, 2015
Commission  Work Programme

The European Commission Programme looked ahead to push for more jobs, growth and investments in 2015 with new European Union initiatives, as well as cutting the red tape and clearing the decks.

In December 2014 the 1022 European Commission released its Work Programme for 2015, which includes a list of 23 new initiatives; a list of withdrawal or modifications of pending initiatives (80) and a list of “refits” in an attempt to cut red tape. This is in sharp contrast with the Barroso Commission, which, on an annual average, presented 300 new initiatives and withdrew only 30 proposals.

<%$Linker:2External<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><dictionary />000oLinkExternalA website is also dedicated to the 2015 priorities.Visit A New Start: The 2015 Work Programme Page false>

Investments: The European Commission will focus on a New Boost for Jobs, Growth and Investment. To this end, the Commission committed to deliver in 2015 an Investment Plan for Europe, the legislative follow-up to the Plan announced last month, unlocking public and private investments in the real economy of at least €315 billion over the next three years.

Environmental Liability: The report of the evaluation of the Environmental Liability Directive will be published in 2015.

Natura 2000: The Fitness Check of the Natura 2000 Directives is confirmed and due to end in 2016.

Standardisation: The Evaluation of the EU standardisation systems is planned to start in 2015.

Construction: The Fitness Check of the most relevant EU legislation impacting on the construction sector in the area of internal market and energy efficiency should start in 2015.

Circular Economy: The legislative proposal will be withdrawn and replaced by a new, more ambitious proposal by the end of 2015.

Air quality: The proposal on the reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants will be modified as part of the legislative follow-up to the 2030 Energy and Climate Package.

UEPG has informed its members and will address above topics at upcoming meetings.

Latvian Presidency priorities in line with European Commission

The Latvian Prime Minister, Ms Laimdota Straujuma presented the priorities of the Presidency to the Parliament on 14 January, 2015. Latvia will focus on three priorities during its Presidency:

•    Facilitation of EU competitiveness as a key to economic growth and jobs;

•    Full exploitation of the digital potential of the European economy, and

•    Reinforcing the role of the 3654 European Union in the world.

In addition, the Latvian Presidency shall also contribute to the implementation of the European Council's five-year Strategic Agenda, the Commission's 2015 Annual Work Programme, and the unfinished business from the previous legislature.

The Latvian Presidency will review the Europe 2020 Strategy; promote work in an industrial competitive Europe; support an Economic and Monetary Union, and work on better regulations.

Out of the main lines, the programme of the Latvian Presidency also underlined the need to improve health and safety at work and to reduce the number of accidents in the workplace, emphasising the necessity of implementing the new EU Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work (2014-2020).

Concerning the resource efficiency and green growth agenda, the Presidency will open debate on further integration of environment aspects in the European Semester process and in the Europe 2020 Strategy.

The Presidency will also follow closely the initiatives to promote a circular economy, and efficient waste management, a better air quality throughout Europe and provide input to the Biodiversity Strategy mid-term review.

For more information click here.

UEPG is monitoring these issues to act with its Members for a common Strategy.

UEPG (2886 European Aggregates Association), Rue d'Arlon 21, 1050 Brussels, Belgium.

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