ABC: Democrats’ reconciliation deal would plunge U.S. into recession

July 28, 2022
By Guy Woodford
ABC believes the: Democrats’ reconciliation deal would plunge the U.S. into recession

Associated Builders and Contractors today (ABC) released the following statement regarding the Senate Democrats’ reckless tax and spending spree:


“The Democrats’ deal to hike taxes in support of hundreds of billions more in government spending while we are already contending with record-high inflation would plunge the U.S. economy into a recession,” said ABC Vice President of Legislative & Political Affairs Kristen Swearingen. “Forcing restrictive labour policies on America’s job creators in this economy would be an additional blow to the construction industry and our workforce.”


“Severe tax hikes on American companies would further exacerbate high materials prices for construction projects, which have increased by 20% during the past 12 months,” said Swearingen. “Further, this bill delivers political favours to the president’s and Democrats’ labour backers, penalizing employers that believe in fair and open competition and pay wages based on experience, quality and market rates and limiting opportunities for thousands of industry-skilled apprentices. For an industry facing a workforce shortage of 650,000 in 2022, this is no time to impose the short-sighted, costly labour policy proposals continually offered by Democrats in Washington.


“ABC opposes these ill-advised efforts and encourages the Senate to reject this reconciliation bill and work to support common-sense policies that combat rising inflation and recessionary trends, lift our economy and create jobs throughout the country,” said Swearingen.