Cleantech company CarbonCure joins World Cement Association

Cleantech provider CarbonCure has joined the World Cement Association (WCA) as a corporate associate member.
June 8, 2020
By Staff writer
CarbonCure's technology is used to inject waste CO₂ into concrete during mixing. Photo: CarbonCure

The firm's technology is designed to deliver improved production efficiencies and reduced-carbon concrete.

CarbonCure injects waste carbon dioxide (CO₂) captured by industrial gas suppliers into concrete during mixing, enabling the production of stronger, more sustainable concrete. The company says that every cubic metre of concrete made with this technology reduces an average of 17 kilograms of carbon emissions, meaning an average high-rise built with CarbonCure concrete would save approximately 680 tonnes of CO₂ emissions. 

New technologies under development aim to reduce a 100 kilograms of CO2 per cubic metre while creating new production cost efficiencies and eliminating plant water and solid wastes.  

CarbonCure says its technology is installed in nearly 250 concrete plants across North America and Southeast Asia, with more than 4.2 million cubic metres of concrete supplying a wide range of construction projects from airports, roads to high-rise towers.

"It's been clear for some time that only by deploying new and innovative technologies will the cement and concrete industries be able to achieve their decarbonisation goals, in line with the Paris Climate Agreement," said Ian Riley, CEO at WCA. "CarbonCure's technology helps ready mix concrete producers become more efficient through innovative carbon usage technology. I believe WCA members around the world will find this interesting in their own sustainability efforts, so we are especially pleased to be welcoming them as members."