Hyundai HX520L excavator plays a leading role in Colonnata marble quarry in Tuscany

Alba Ventura, a company operating in the marble quarrying sector, has bought a Hyundai HX520L excavator from Toscomeccanica, the Hyundai Construction Equipment (HCE) dealer for the Italian region of Tuscany. The impressive 52-tonne excavator replaces a model of the same capacity and is working flat out at Colonnata quarry in the iconic marble quarrying area of Carrara, where high-quality marble, such as White Cattani Marble, is extracted.
February 19, 2021
By Guy Woodford
A 52-tonne Hyundai HX520L excavator is working flat out for Alba Ventura at its Colonnata marble quarry in Carrara, Tuscany
A 52-tonne Hyundai HX520L excavator is working flat out for Alba Ventura at its Colonnata marble quarry in Carrara, Tuscany

High power, a high degree of stability and maximum efficiency are standout attributes of the HX520L excavator.

“From the first days of operation in our marble quarry, the Hyundai excavator showed what it was made of – a powerful machine, but also sensitive and precise in its movements; a true champion born to dominate the terrain, whatever the type,” said Roberto Vernazza, owner of Alba Ventura.

Powered by the Scania DC13 084A 6-cylinder, 12.7-litre, Stage IV engine, which delivers an output of 316 kW, the HX520L excavator guarantees excellent energy efficiency combined with high-level performance. To optimise performance in the toughest operating conditions, HCE has equipped the excavator with cutting edge technologies: the Eco Indicator, a system capable of giving immediate feedback on fuel efficiency while the machine is operating; IPC (Intelligent Power Control), a function that regulates the hydraulic pumps based on the work environment and selects speed mode, balance mode or higher efficiency to adapt machine performance. Furthermore, the new variable power control increases performance, whatever the operating environment.

High power, a high degree of stability and maximum efficiency are said to be critical features of the Hyundai HX520L excavator
High power, a high degree of stability and maximum efficiency are said to be critical features of the Hyundai HX520L excavator

“We are very happy with the HX520L excavator. In our quarry, we needed a new machine to replace an old model of the same capacity. So, we contacted the dealer in Massarosa, Toscomeccanica, who has provided us with assistance service for years in a professional and timely manner. In this case, too, they supported us by immediately identifying a model which would meet our expectations,” noted Roberto Vernazza.

The real value of the HX520L excavator lies in its durability and strength. The solid structure of the model’s upper and lower frame, able to withstand external impact and work with large loads and the performance accessories verified by rigorous testing are standout advantages of the HX Series. This is evident in challenging operating environments such as quarries, guaranteeing better productivity. Reduced noise, low vibration and an ergonomic design make the cabin space more comfortable and pleasant.

The HX520L excavator’s cutting-edge technologies include the Eco Indicator, a system capable of giving immediate feedback on fuel efficiency during machine operation
The HX520L excavator’s cutting-edge technologies include the Eco Indicator, a system capable of giving immediate feedback on fuel efficiency during machine operation

The HX520L’s comfort advantages include a spacious cabin, clear controls, excellent visibility, and high-performance air conditioning. The standard suspension seat, adjustable for height and weight, has a headrest and an armrest, also adjustable. There is an emergency engine stop at the base of the seat. With its focus on operator safety and comfort, the HX520L excavator allows quick, safe inspection of the instruments, providing its operators with an optimal work environment.

“In addition to being a robust, powerful machine, the Hyundai HX520L excavator offers longer maintenance intervals and greater ease of maintenance, reducing workshop time to a minimum. Also, the maintenance areas are easy to access, and the grease points are centralised. Not to mention that the high-performance oil filter extends the change interval to 500 hours. These are surely the key aspects for our customers, who need to keep machine downtime to an absolute minimum”, said Claudio Bacci, owner of HCE dealership Toscomeccanica.

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