Italcementi joins UN Global Compact

Italcementi has announced that it has become the first Italian construction materials company to join the United Nations initiative to safeguard the social and environmental sustainability of economic growth processes. The company’s membership of the Global Compact was formally ratified with a letter from CEO Carlo Pesenti, to the United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, declaring the group’s support for the initiative’s 10 principles with regard to human rights, labour, protection of the environment
April 2, 2012

726 Italcementi has announced that it has become the first Italian construction materials company to join the 2918 United Nations initiative to safeguard the social and environmental sustainability of economic growth processes. The company’s membership of the Global Compact was formally ratified with a letter from CEO Carlo Pesenti, to the United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, declaring the group’s support for the initiative’s 10 principles with regard to human rights, labour, protection of the environment and anti-corruption.

The group will focus on promoting the 10 principles within its sphere of influence and ensuring that the Global Compact and its principles are part of Italcementi strategy, culture and day-to-day operations. It will also engage in collaborative projects advancing the broader development goals of the United Nations.

The United Nations Global Compact is the most broadly based worldwide initiative embracing the themes of corporate citizenship and sustainability organised to date.
Since its official launch on 26 July 2000, by former UN secretary general Kofi Annan, the Global Compact has grown continually and now numbers more than 6,600 participants, including 4,700 business organizations in 130 countries.

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