Starting in January 2023, the five webinars will involve equipment manufacturers, builders, associations and institutions. The first, under the heading Construction machinery towards the zero emissions goal: electric, hybrid or hydrogen?, organised by Vaielettrico, takes place on 26 January 2023. It will focus on sustainability and decarbonisation, an increasingly central topic, especially on urban sites.
The second webinar, Earthmoving and digital. A waste of time?, run by E-construction, has a focus on digitisation, starting from a premise: companies in the earthmoving sector are among the most reluctant to apply digital technologies, often considered to lack effective feedback with the investments involved.
To demonstrate the validity of digital transformation and the importance of an ethical approach, industry experts will discuss various aspects of digitisation in the construction sector, from assisted excavation systems and machine control to management control.
The central theme of the third webinar is safety. During the event, IPAF will outline new technologies and best practices for efficient and safe work.
The fourth webinar, The role of modern hire services in the construction supply chain, coordinated by Rental Blog, will discuss hire companies' equipment supply role evolution.
Photovoltaic in quarries: regulatory aspects, investment opportunities and case histories, organised in collaboration with Anepla, Anie Rinnovabili and Infralab, is the final webinar. It will look at the regulatory elements, investment opportunities, and several case histories.