EPC-UK wins MPQC trophy for its work towards Zero Harm in workplace

EPC-UK has been awarded the coveted MPQC trophy for Behavioural Safety, Safety Culture and Leadership – as well as two Certificates of Merit for Contractor Safety and Reducing Occupational Road Risk - at the prestigious Mineral Products Association (MPA) Health and Safety Awards. Held at Euston Square in London, the Awards recognise innovation and commitment to health and safety amongst contractors, consultants, manufacturers, suppliers and regulators in the mineral processing industry. EPC-UK, whose
November 15, 2016
The MPA award-winning EPC-UK team
The MPA award-winning EPC-UK team

8023 EPC-UK has been awarded the coveted MPQC trophy for Behavioural Safety, Safety Culture and Leadership – as well as two Certificates of Merit for Contractor Safety and Reducing Occupational Road Risk - at the prestigious 2897 Mineral Products Association (MPA) Health and Safety Awards.

Held at Euston Square in London, the Awards recognise innovation and commitment to health and safety amongst contractors, consultants, manufacturers, suppliers and regulators in the mineral processing industry.

EPC-UK, whose submission was based on its hugely successful ongoing ‘Espirit d’Equipe’ campaign, was rewarded at the sold-out MPA event on 10 November 2016 for its continued commitment to leading a safer culture for its employees and promoting zero harm.  

The ‘Espirit d’Equipe’ programme, which was launched in 2015, is led by 13 voluntary EPC-UK employees who work as Safety Ambassadors within all operations across the UK. The main aim of the programme is to ensure all employees make it home safe every day. The introduction of a safety cognition enhancement process is also helping workers better understand the four impulse centres of the brain, the thinking which drives all actions. ‘Espirit d’Equipe’ targets all employees within the company, raising awareness levels and improving the safety culture throughout the organisation.

EPC-UK has also been recognised for its dedication in communicating its message to a wider audience. Through the use of social media and its website, encouraging as many people as possible, both inside and outside the business, to embrace the ‘Espirit d’Equipe’ programme.

“Receiving this award on behalf of the whole company was truly humbling and was without doubt one of the highlights of 2016 - I am grateful to everyone at EPC-UK for embracing the ‘Spirit Values’ of our ‘Espirit d’Equipe’ campaign.  The industry has acknowledged and recognised the improving culture of our organisation and the way in which it has a true “One Team” ethos, a philosophy that others can follow,” explains Ben Williams, Managing Director of EPC-UK.

“It was a privilege to attend the award ceremony, which with an impressive array of guest speakers, was an extremely inspirational experience and we were very proud to be part of it.  Our thoughts now turn to the future and I have signed a pledge to ‘achieve Zero Harm’, restating our commitment to taking the lead when it comes to health and safety,” adds Ben.

The “Espirit d’Equipe” campaign is on a continuous journey and this award has impelled EPC-UK to continue its momentum, with the ultimate aim of achieving zero harm. The award and certificates will embark on a tour of the company’s UK sites, helping to reinforce the “one team, one mission” philosophy.  The tour can be followed on the EPC-UK website and social media channels on the hashtag #TrophyTour16.

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