MPA introduces policy initiative to improve vulnerable road user safety in the UK

Bike in the UK (15-23 June), which promoted cycling, has also highlighted the need to keep vulnerable road users such as cyclists safe. The Mineral Products Association (MPA) has introduced a policy initiative to improve vulnerable road user safety in the UK, and a key element is requiring all drivers delivering for MPA member companies to receive vulnerable road user training.
June 21, 2013

Bike in the UK (15-23 June), which promoted cycling, has also highlighted the need to keep vulnerable road users such as cyclists safe.

The 2897 Mineral Products Association (MPA) has introduced a policy initiative to improve vulnerable road user safety in the UK, and a key element is requiring all drivers delivering for MPA member companies to receive vulnerable road user training.

As part of this objective, MPA has played a key role in developing the new MPQC Safeguarding Vulnerable Road Users driver training course, designed by industry experts to increase driver awareness of vulnerable road users, change perceptions and develop a responsible attitude towards these groups. Over 954 drivers have taken part in the course to date.

The course covers the following subject areas:

•           Who are the vulnerable road users?
•           Road safety initiatives
•           Consequences of a fatality
•           Driver awareness
•           Vehicle checks
•           Vehicle specification
•           Hazard awareness
•           Defensive driving

The course can be delivered at company premises or on an open public course basis, and training lasts one-day (seven hours) and is an interactive JAUPT (Joint Approvals Unit for Periodic Training) approved CPC course comprising presentations, group discussions, exercises, DVD clips and case studies.

Feedback has been extremely encouraging, says MPA, and trainers delivering the course have been pleased with how positively the course has been received by delegates.

MPA’s chief executive, Nigel Jackson, said: “Our sector takes its health and safety ambition seriously – it is our number one priority.

“As an industry that operates some 30,000 trucks, MPA’s members want to be at the forefront of helping to improve road safety and our policy reflects the industry’s commitment to this issue. It requires new lorries to be equipped with a range of safety equipment and retrofitting of the existing fleet. This latest leap forward in driver training is another important development and shows that the sector is behaving responsibly. It is essential that all road users play their part.”

MPA’s position is that, while driver training and awareness are a key aspect of the contribution the industry can make to improved vulnerable road user safety, there is joint responsibility for road safety. National and central government must ensure that roads and junctions are designed for safety and properly maintained, large goods vehicle (LGV) operators and drivers must take action to minimise the risk of collisions and cyclists and other vulnerable road users must behave responsibly.

MPA’s Vulnerable Road User Safety Policy supports its ongoing Cycle Safe campaign to prevent collisions between cyclists and LGVs by raising awareness on both sides of how to cycle and drive as safely as possible.

The policy has three key elements:

1.    All industry drivers must receive vulnerable road user training. The industry training body has developed a specific course which has been CPC approved by JAUPT and is now available. It provides seven hours CPC.

2.    New industry LGVs must be fitted with additional safety equipment including blind spot elimination devices, side under-run guards, class VI mirrors, audible left turn warnings for cyclists and pedestrians, and rear warning signs.

3.    Existing industry LGVs must be fitted with similar equipment levels within an extended five-year period with operators encouraged to consider accelerating this timing.

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