Russian cement consumption may decline by 15%

According to industry analysts CM PRO, for the first time since 2009 cement consumption in Russia will decline by 15% due to the reduction in housing and infrastructure development. The figures have dropped by at least 5% since the beginning of 2015, and the slow declination may continue for several years. It is reported that Lafarge expects that the strongest drop by some 8-12% will account for central regions of Russia, and the company is said it intends to produce about 2.6 million tonnes of cement. Sibc
Quarry Products / February 26, 2015

RSSAccording to industry analysts CM PRO, for the first time since 2009 cement consumption in Russia will decline by 15% due to the reduction in housing and infrastructure development.

The figures have dropped by at least 5% since the beginning of 2015, and the slow declination may continue for several years.

It is reported that 725 Lafarge expects that the strongest drop by some 8-12% will account for central regions of Russia, and the company is said it intends to produce about 2.6 million tonnes of cement.

Sibcement predicts that the cement market of Siberia may shrink by 5-7% in 2015, and it will reduce its production by 7% to 4 million tonnes.

According to the NEO Centre consulting group, cement output in Russia grew by 3% year-on-year to 68.4 million tonnes in 2014.

A list of top ten cement manufacturers in 2014 included 3704 Eurocement Group, Vita-Line, Gazmetallproekt (3665 Novoroscement), 5040 Siberian Cement, as well as Heidelderg Cement, 680 Holcim, Vostokcement (Park Group), 876 Dyckerhoff, Rosgrazdanrekonstruktsiya, and 4565 Baselcement.

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