Thomas Schmidheiny and Bertrand Collomb not to stand for re-election at upcoming LafaregeHolcim AGM

Thomas Schmidheiny has taken the decision not to stand for re-election at LafargeHolcim’s upcoming Annual General Meeting on 8 May 2018. He has been with the Group for almost 50 years in different management functions and later on the Board of Holcim. Following the merger, Schmidheiny has been a Board member of LafargeHolcim since 2015. He will remain one of the Group’s main shareholders. In recognition of his many years of service to LafargeHolcim, the Board of Directors has decided to name Schmidheiny
Quarry Products / April 4, 2018

Thomas Schmidheiny has taken the decision not to stand for re-election at 8161 LafargeHolcim’s upcoming Annual General Meeting on 8 May 2018. He has been with the Group for almost 50 years in different management functions and later on the Board of Holcim. Following the merger, Schmidheiny has been a Board member of LafargeHolcim since 2015. He will remain one of the Group’s main shareholders.

In recognition of his many years of service to LafargeHolcim, the Board of Directors has decided to name Schmidheiny Honorary Chairman of the Group.

Schmidheiny began his career at Holcim in 1970. He became a member of the Executive Committee six years later and served as CEO between 1978 and 2001. After joining the Board of Directors in 1978 he was Chairman of the Board of Directors from 1984 until 2003. Schmidheiny was instrumental in the merger of Holcim and Lafarge to form LafargeHolcim, the world’s largest cement manufacturer.

Bertrand Collomb joined Lafarge in 1975. After serving in different management positions, including Head of North American operations, he served as Chairman and CEO of Lafarge from 1989 to 2003, as Chairman until 2007 and then subsequently Director until 2012. He was named Honorary Chairman of Lafarge in 2007 and joined LafargeHolcim’s Board in 2015. Collomb has also decided not to stand for re-election at the upcoming Annual General Meeting, in order to follow a customary age limit of 75 years.

Beat Hess, Chairman of the Board of LafargeHolcim, said: “For almost 50 years Thomas Schmidheiny has made a significant contribution to the success of Holcim and later LafargeHolcim. He was instrumental in successfully expanding into promising growth markets and has made Holcim one of the leading companies in its industry. On behalf of the Board and all employees I would like to thank Thomas Schmidheiny for his exceptional contribution to our company.

“Bertrand Collomb has contributed significantly to the success of Lafarge and later LafargeHolcim in various roles. Under his leadership Lafarge has become an industry leader in the building materials sector. On behalf of the Board of Directors and all employees I would also like to thank him.”

All other current members of the Board of Directors will be proposed for re-election at the Annual General Meeting:

  • Beat Hess, Chairman
  •  Oscar Fanjul
  • Paul Desmarais, Jr.
  • Patrick Kron
  • Gérard Lamarche
  • Adrian Loader
  • Jürg Oleas
  • Nassef Sawiris
  •  Hanne Birgitte Breinbjerg Sørensen
  • Dieter Spälti

With the election of the nominees, the Board of Directors would consist of 10 members as compared to 12 today. Further details such as the agenda and the motions can be found in the invitation to the Annual General Meeting which will be available as of 13 April 2018 on <%$Linker:2External<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><dictionary />000link-external website linkfalse>

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