HeidelbergCement has published its Sustainability Report for 2018 which includes an ambition to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 30% by 2030 compared with 1990.
The company says it intends to reach its ambition of providing CO2-neutral concrete by 2050 at the latest.
Dr. Bernd Scheifele, chairman of the managing board of HeidelbergCement, says: “Cutting our CO2 emissions and handling natural resources considerately are priorities for all our business lines. We focus primarily on the development of sustainable products and the implementation of concrete measures at plant level in order to achieve our sustainability goals.”
Additionally, the report highlights a range of HeidelbergCement's sustainability activities. It provides information on topics such as human rights and compliance as well as occupational health and safety, on which intensive training and education measures were carried out in all Group countries in the 2018 reporting year.
HeidelbergCement's sustainability activities are based on the Sustainability Commitments 2030 adopted in 2017, which define the principles and objectives of the sustainability strategy until 2030.