March 22, 2016
Uganda's 2016-17 budget specifies an increase in the excise duty on cement to US$0.29 (€0.26) for a 50kg bag, from $0.15 at present. Excise duties on…
March 22, 2016
Eric Olsen, the chief executive of LafargeHolcim, is reported as saying that all intermediary objectives have been reached as part of the merger of…
March 22, 2016
The Sour El-Ghozlane cement works in the Algerian province of Bouira is at 100% capacity, after production ceased for over two months due to supply…
March 22, 2016
Cement producer Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa (Indocement) plans to appeal a decision of the Semarang Business Adminstration Court, Indonesia. The…
March 22, 2016
Finnish construction and infrastructure company Lemminkäinen and Finnish airport operator Finavia have agreed on the repaving project of taxiways at…
March 22, 2016
According to expert estimates, in 2015 St Petersburg and the Leningrad region produced 14.8-16 million m³ of crushed stone, around 48% of total…
March 22, 2016
Lafarge Cements Morocco reported turnover up 5.1% to over MAD 5 billion (€458.38 million/US$516.53 million) in 2015, while net profit rose 6.5% to…
March 22, 2016
Volvo Construction Equipment employees at some of the company’s facilities worldwide have been switching off lights for a symbolic 60 minutes as part…
March 22, 2016
Demand for Hillhead 2016 has been buoyant with every square metre of the major UK quarry-based exhibition now allocated, including a new outdoor area…
March 22, 2016
The new 600,000 tonnes/year dry process cement plant at the Bugarama head office of Rwanda's sole cement maker Cimerwa (51% owned by South Africa's…
March 22, 2016
An accord has been sealed by Glenwood Private Equity to purchase Lafarge Halla Cement in South Korea for some KRW 630 billion (€480.22 million/US$…
March 22, 2016
For the year ended 31 December 2015, Ashaka Cement recorded a drop net profit to NGN 2.7 billion (€12.03 million/US$13.56 million) from NGN 4.5…
March 22, 2016
HeidelbergCement priced a Eurobond issue (ISIN XS1387174375) under its €10 billion EMTN (Euro Medium Term Note) programme with an issuance volume of…
March 22, 2016
Soon to be just a click away is your relaunched ari website, packed with all the big building materials industry news from…
March 22, 2016
Lafarge Cementos has completed the takeover of the Greek cement company AGET Iraklis, with Lafarge Cementos now controlling 100% of the Greek company…