Kolberg-Pioneer (
Kolberg-Pioneer, Inc. (KPI-JCI) is the recipient of the Most Improved Safety Award for its 2012 safety record. The company decreased its recordable incidents by 56% over a 12-month period, according to safety manager Neil Pedersen.
The reduction in incidents is significant for the company, which places a heavy emphasis on safety in the workplace.
“Safety is an integral part of our day-to-day operations at Kolberg-Pioneer. We want everyone to be safe and injury-free. This can be difficult to achieve in the manufacturing industry, but every day we make it our goal to have zero recordable incidents,” says Pedersen.
Earlier this year, Kolberg-Pioneer’s sister company and branding partner, Johnson Crushers International (KPI-JCI), won the Bronze Hat Award from Astec Industries based on its excellent safety record over the past three years. In 2009, KPI-JCI also received the Gold Award from Liberty Mutual, which recognises companies that have less than 0.66 incidents per 200,000 works hours.