Cemex’s 82.6% April substitution rate for alternative fuels in Germany

Cemex's strategy to reduce carbon dioxide emissions has seen its plants in Germany achieve a substitution rate for alternative fuels of 82.6% in April 2013. During the month, the firm's Kollenback plant substituted the use of 12,000tonnes of coal for alternative fuels, such as industrial, agricultural and municipal waste. The substitution rate for that plant is over 94% per day. In 2012 the company is said to have managed to consolidate its leadership in the use of alternative fuels with a global substituti
May 16, 2013

643 Cemex's strategy to reduce carbon dioxide emissions has seen its plants in Germany achieve a substitution rate for alternative fuels of 82.6% in April 2013.

During the month, the firm's Kollenback plant substituted the use of 12,000tonnes of coal for alternative fuels, such as industrial, agricultural and municipal waste.

The substitution rate for that plant is over 94% per day. In 2012 the company is said to have managed to consolidate its leadership in the use of alternative fuels with a global substitution rate of 27.1%, claimed to represent one of the highest in the industry.

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