April 3, 2012
Lafarge has reported sales in the first three months of the year were down 10% on the same period last year at €3.2billion. Nonetheless, the company…
April 3, 2012
Despite difficult trading conditions in the first two months of the year, CRH has reported in its interim management statement that conditions have…
April 3, 2012
Lafarge has announced that its involvement in the French Fête de la Nature will involve public open days at 17 of its quarries between 19 and 23 May…
April 3, 2012
Anglo American has announced that it is to sell Tarmac’s building material business in France and Belgium to Foundations Capital for €67million.…
April 3, 2012
Holcim is reported to be planning to resume activity at its limestone quarry in Antoing near Tournai by 2015. The company expects to extract around 4…
April 3, 2012
France-based Vicat has announced sales of €398million for the first quarter of 2010 – a 6.2% decline on the same period last year. The company has…
April 3, 2012
Continuous economic growth in Indonesia is the main driver behind a decision by Holcim to build a new US$450million cement plant on the island of…
April 3, 2012
Heidelberg Cement has reported turnover of €2.18billion for the first three months of this year, a 7.6% decline on sales in the same period in 2009.…
April 3, 2012
Cemex Latvia has announced that it has merged its operation with its quarrying subsidiary Sauleskalna Karjers. Cemex has said that the administration…
April 3, 2012
Sales of crushed rock aggregates and asphalt in the UK have returned to positive growth in the first three months of 2010, according to the latest…
April 3, 2012
France-based quarry operator GSM has been granted permission to continue operating its Roussas Quarry in Drôme, south eastern France. The Italcementi…
April 3, 2012
Heidelberg selected the Natura 2000 protected File Hajdar on Gotland, Sweden as the location for its first sustainable quarrying summit. The company…
April 3, 2012
Lafarge has launched a new service in the UK to minimise the amount of wasted cement sent to landfill. Under the scheme, customers will be able to…
April 3, 2012
Hanson is aiming to improve safety at 350 of its UK sites with the roll out of new hi-viz safety workwear. The company has just awarded a £250,000…
April 3, 2012
Holcim is reported to be planning to invest €7million in improving the operation of its plant at Lägerdorf in Germany. The work on installing new…