Karelia's 16 new stone plants

The government of the Republic of Karelia in north-west Russia has developed a draft concept of region's social and economic development until 2015. There are plans in the document to increase the capacity of the mining complexes including the construction of 16 new plants to produce crushed stone in nine districts of the republic. It is envisaged that three or four new plants will be launched each year; the existing enterprises, Granitnaya Gora (Granite Mountain) and Trans Karel Nerud will be upgraded and
March 28, 2012

The government of the Republic of Karelia in north-west Russia has developed a draft concept of region's social and economic development until 2015.

There are plans in the document to increase the capacity of the mining complexes including the construction of 16 new plants to produce crushed stone in nine districts of the republic.

It is envisaged that three or four new plants will be launched each year; the existing enterprises, Granitnaya Gora (Granite Mountain) and Trans Karel Nerud will be upgraded and four sites will be opened to produce block stone.

The total cost of the projects will exceed €243.19 million.